Friday Feature: Jordan Giddens

Friday Feature: Jordan Giddens

My husband is an OC/O-line coach. We have been together for 10 years and married for almost 7. We have worked in 6 different school systems during that time. Typing that makes it feel like a lot. And it was, but we’ve been at Swainsboro High in Georgia for 3 years and we love it here!! We have 2 kids: Lainey and Campbell who will be 4 and 2 in August. Chase was diagnosed with cancer in February. He finished his last round of radiation on May 9th and it was TOUGH! We are so very blessed that he is regaining strength and we have had very little complications!!

What is your favorite part of this lifestyle?

  • I'm an English teacher at the high school where my husband works and I LOVE that I get to know the kids just as well as my husband does. It really makes the long nights easier knowing I can see him during the day.
What is your LEAST favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • The “single parent”-ness. We played for the state championship last season and I’m so glad we did- but it was a LOOOOONG season!
What is one item you can't live without that makes this life easier?
  • I know this isn’t an item- but my Mother In-Law is GREAT help with the kids during games!
What is your go to concession stand order or must have snack?
  • Nachos!!
What is the craziest thing you have survived due to this lifestyle?
  • Planning 2 c-sections around scrimmages. Our doctor thought we were crazy!
What is one thing you would go back and tell your younger self?
  • God 100% has a plan, and even if it seems crazy or it’s not what you think you want, it’s all going to work out for the best!
Connect with Jordan on Instagram.
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