Our blogs written by coaches' wives have always been the heart and soul of Friday Night Wives.
We love sharing the encouragement and supporting one another through this coaching lifestyle!
Friday Night Wives Blog

I'll Be the Greatest Fan of Your Life
My favorite song to sing to my husband is “I’ll Be” by Edwin McCain. I first heard that song when I was in junior high. What’s not to love about...
I'll Be the Greatest Fan of Your Life
My favorite song to sing to my husband is “I’ll Be” by Edwin McCain. I first heard that song when I was in junior high. What’s not to love about...

The Stories Coaches’ Wives Tell
If I’m being honest, I absolutely hated the coaching lifestyle for the better part of the first decade. I used to tell myself a lot of “I’ll be happy when…”...
The Stories Coaches’ Wives Tell
If I’m being honest, I absolutely hated the coaching lifestyle for the better part of the first decade. I used to tell myself a lot of “I’ll be happy when…”...

His Best Assistant Coach
I like to joke and say that I’m his best assistant coach. I probably know more than some of the rookie coaches, anyway. I haven’t always felt that way. I...
His Best Assistant Coach
I like to joke and say that I’m his best assistant coach. I probably know more than some of the rookie coaches, anyway. I haven’t always felt that way. I...

5 Ways to Decompress When the Season Feels Over...
As wives, moms, and coaches' partners, we tend to lead busy lives. In the craziness, allow yourselves to be okay with taking care of yourself. Be okay with taking a...
5 Ways to Decompress When the Season Feels Over...
As wives, moms, and coaches' partners, we tend to lead busy lives. In the craziness, allow yourselves to be okay with taking care of yourself. Be okay with taking a...

Sometimes the Coach’s Kid Decides Not to Play
Over breakfast this morning before getting on the bus, my son casually mentioned that he planned to try out for his middle school’s lacrosse team in the spring. He’s been...
Sometimes the Coach’s Kid Decides Not to Play
Over breakfast this morning before getting on the bus, my son casually mentioned that he planned to try out for his middle school’s lacrosse team in the spring. He’s been...

For A Time Such As This
The home screen on my phone often displays a football field and the words, “Perhaps this is the season for which you were created.” Though not an exact biblical quote,...
For A Time Such As This
The home screen on my phone often displays a football field and the words, “Perhaps this is the season for which you were created.” Though not an exact biblical quote,...
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