Friday Feature: Laeny Bauman

Friday Feature: Laeny Bauman

Wife to Taylor and mom to my boys, Ebbet (3) and Camden (1). Taylor has been a head coach for six years now and loves building up programs. We currently live in Hutchinson, KS where Taylor coaches a underdog team in the area. I get to stay home with our little.

What is your favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • As a former teacher myself, I love that we get to pour into the lives of young adults. Say what you will about teenagers, but our family thinks they are pretty amazing. I also love the way the team loves our boys, it is so cool to see the relationship they build with them!
What is your LEAST favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • I miss my husband during the season! He is my best friend and sometimes the season gets lonely. I also sleep with every light in the house on when he is home late because I’m scared of the dark and turning the light off before we go to sleep is his “job!"
What is one item you can't live without that makes this life easier?
  • Last season with a small baby, it was a portable sound machine- SO helpful on late nights and car rides to get Camden to sleep. Not sure what it will be this season, but hopefully something to keep two toddlers busy and happy on game night.
What is your go to concession stand order or must have snack?
  • Honestly, we like to pack our bags full of snacks so we don’t eat a ton of concession stand food. We do love a good bag of stadium popcorn and M&Ms to get us through the rough games.
What is the craziest thing you have survived due to this lifestyle?
  • Our oldest son was born 10 weeks premature in October! He was born on a Thursday evening and coach was at the game on Friday. Ebbet, now 3, spent 6 weeks in the NICU and coach travelled between the hospital and school (1.5 hours away) while continuing to be a full time teacher and coach. Yes, he is amazing.
What is one thing you would go back and tell your younger self?
  • If he could be here, he would. I’ve spent a lot of nights angry about coach being late for supper again. This year I’ve committed to believing the best of him instead of wasting precious time being upset about situations he often can’t control. I’m praying that God would give me the strength, patience and kindness to remember this on the hard days!
Connect with Laeny on Instagram @laeny_bauman.
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