Friday Feature: Debbie McBride

Friday Feature: Debbie McBride

I have been a coach's wife for 10 years. My husband (Coach Mike McBride) and I have six children, two grandsons and another grandbaby arriving this coming football season! Three of our sons are football coaches - so I am also a coach's mom! My stepson, Coach Seth McBride, is an Offensive Line Coach at Texas High in Texarkana, Texas. My stepson, Coach Luke McBride, is an Offensive Line Coach at Dripping Springs HS in Dripping Springs, Texas and my youngest son, Coach Reed Oaks, is an Offensive Line Coach at Denton HS in Denton, Texas. But it doesn't stop there! :) My husband's brothers (my in-laws), Joe McBride and Kirk McBride are also both Texas football coaches and my nephew, Coach Blaine McBride, coaches at Tom Bean HS in Tom Bean, Texas.

What is your favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • Loving and supporting ALL of my coaches, their players and their teams. I attend at least 2 football games every week during the season and travel all over the state of Texas for a chance to watch my husband or one of my son's coach under the Friday Night Lights.
What is your LEAST favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • Juggling all of the schedules and trying to make sure all of my guys feel loved and supported. The season is hard and the hours are long - I miss seeing my husband and spending quality time with him. We have gotten used to it - and I try to use the season as a time to connect with my daughter-in-laws and make sure they feel loved and supported, too.
What is one item you can't live without that makes this life easier?
  • My Outlook Calendar and my iPhone

What is your go to concession stand order or must have snack?

  • Popcorn!
What is the craziest thing you have survived due to this lifestyle?
  • Watching my husband coach on Friday nights and then driving or hopping on a plane to watch one (or all) of my son's play college football on Saturdays (over 6 years). It was exhausting, but I would not have traded it for the world.
What is one thing you would go back and tell your younger self?
  • Live in the moment. Don't spend time worrying about what you need to do or what's next. Be intentional and enjoy where you are at - right now. Time goes by way too fast.
Connect with Debbie on Instagram @doaksmcbride or Facebook Debbie Oaks McBride

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