Friday Feature: Logan Pannell

Friday Feature: Logan Pannell

My name is Logan Pannell and I am married to in my opinion the best Coach ever!! I’ve been married to “Coach P” for almost two years and we just welcomed our first son, Britt, days before 2-A-Days started! He’s already been featured in Dave Campbell’s Texas Football at just a few weeks old 😉. We love that our life revolves around Sonora Bronco athletics and our son! I couldn’t imagine anything else!

What is your favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • I love that my husband and I get to have a positive impact on young people and I love the relationships we build with fellow coaches, families, athletes and community members!
What is your LEAST favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • Late hours, long trips, loneliness.
What is one item you can't live without that makes this life easier?
  • Portable baby car seat fan! Must have.
What is your go to concession stand order or must have snack?
  • Hot Cheetos, hot dogs, Coca Cola!
What is the craziest thing you have survived due to this lifestyle?
  • Living 8 hours apart from my husband (then boyfriend)! He moved across the state at the end of the school year.
What is one thing you would go back and tell your younger self?
  • God will send you your soulmate!
Connect with Logan on Instagram @logansmithpannell.
*As coach’s wives, we are used to being behind the scenes and out of the spotlight. But we are also the best at encouraging and supporting. So let us highlight you and help you build the best community ever!*

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