Friday Feature: Stephanie Russick

Friday Feature: Stephanie Russick

My name is Stephanie. My husband is the head coach of the Honesdale Hornets in Honesdale, PA. I am a full time wife, anesthesia student, and mom of four. My kids Reagan, 6, Sadie, 5, and Lucy and Trey, 1.5 twins are obsessed with the Hornets and their daddy being a head coach. We love Friday nights and our head coach!

What is your favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • The sense of community and love we receive from the community.
What is your LEAST favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • His busy schedule and always having to be available.
What is one item you can't live without that makes this life easier?
  • Snacks for the kids! And patience.

What is your go to concession stand order or must have snack?

  • Candy and chips.
What is the craziest thing you have survived due to this lifestyle?
  • Being in school full time, a mom of four and working part time.
What is one thing you would go back and tell your younger self?
  • To be more patient and find my own hobbies to occupy my time (before kids)
Connect with Stephanie on Instagram @sa_russickrn or Facebook Stephanie Russick

*As coach’s wives, we are used to being behind the scenes and out of the spotlight. But we are also the best at encouraging and supporting. So let us highlight you and help you build the best community ever!*

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