Friday Feature: Theresa Luciani

Friday Feature: Theresa Luciani

My name is Theresa. I have been married to a coach for 9 years. He coaches year round for both high school and now our kids rec programs. He coaches football, wrestling and golf at the high school level. We have 2 boys ages 8 and 4 years old. They both wrestle year round and play football in the fall. I now work in the same school district they go to so that I can be there for them when they are not in school. We love going to support their daddy’s high schoolers when we can. Literally every day is full of some kind of sports and we love it!!

What is your favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • The community of families.
What is your LEAST favorite part of this lifestyle?
  • No off-time or vacations
What is one item you can't live without that makes this life easier?
  • The family members that we have that are helpful!
What is your go to concession stand order or must have snack?
  • For myself, it is walking tacos, and the kids love candy of course.
What is the craziest thing you have survived due to this lifestyle?
  • Kidney stones while pregnant that happened to come on a Friday during football season. Spent 24 hours in the hospital alone.
What is one thing you would go back and tell your younger self?
  • I would have tried to run into my husband sooner.
Connect with Theresa on Instagram @TCLuciani.
*As coach’s wives, we are used to being behind the scenes and out of the spotlight. But we are also the best at encouraging and supporting. So let us highlight you and help you build the best community ever!*

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