Friday Night Wife of the Week: Rebecca Woody of Atlanta, Georgia

Friday Night Wife of the Week: Rebecca Woody of Atlanta, Georgia

Each week, “Friday Night Wives” recognizes a coach’s wife by asking her the same five questions. We go through lots of submissions to find entries we think are especially encouraging or insightful. We hope this gives our readers a chance to connect with others through their struggles and hardships, as well as learn from someone who has come out on the other side.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Who are you and what do you do?
I'm Rebecca Woody, coach Nate Woody's wife. I am a pharmacist but currently (since June )  not working . We have 2 sons, ages 21 and 18 who are both in college, so I am a new "empty nester".
2. How many years have you been a coach's wife and what schools have you been to?
I have been a coach’s wife since 1997, was a coach’s girlfriend since 1984, the entire time with Nate.
We started at Wofford college where Nate played football, went to Appalachian state in 2013 and we are currently at Georgia Tech this season where he is the Defensive Coordinator.
3. If you could go back in time and have a conversation with yourself as a first year coach's wife, what's one thing you would tell yourself?
As a 1st-year coach's wife I would tell myself to be prepared for the amount of time he will work and that I need to be independent and a jack of all trades. Do not hesitate to reach out to other wives for information and companionship.  No one understands how you feel or what you are going through like another coach’s wife. Cherish those relationships and support each other.  Also, you won't win every game or every season, it's OK just hold on and count your blessings. 
Rebecca Woody
4. How do you find balance between supporting your spouse and supporting yourself so that you don't lose your mind?
Right now, as an empty nester and not working, finding balance is so much easier, but when you work and have young children, it is stressful and difficult. The most important thing is to find something for yourself, even if it's a 10-minute walk. When my boys were toddlers, I would run with a friend and/or coach's wife a few days a week. Exercise really helps me. When my boys were older I started playing tennis which is not only physical but social. Also, to do anything you need to find reliable babysitters and when your husband has time, go on a date! 
5. What encouragement do you have for a fellow coach's wife who currently finds herself in a difficult season and doesn't feel like she's measuring up?
My advice to a fellow coach’s wife who is going through a difficult season is to realize there is nothing you can do to change the outcome of your husband’s football games but love and support him and leave it in God's hands. Leave the worries to God. Don't put your happiness in anyone else's hands. It's up to you. It's always right there; you just have to grab it. There is no one you have to measure up to but God. Sometimes our own beliefs about ourselves are our biggest downfall. Don't let negative thoughts ruin any moment that could be awesome!
** If you would like to nominate someone awesome to be our “Friday Night Wife of the Week” email If you would like to be featured yourself, just answer the five questions above and email your answers with a few photos to **
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