20 Things Only a Coach’s Wife Will Understand

20 Things Only a Coach’s Wife Will Understand

We know that football is America's game and that every Monday morning quarterback is an "expert" when it comes to calling plays once they know exactly what the other team did, but there's a lot about the coaching life that remains a mystery to the everyday observer. Today we're going to lower the curtain a little and giving a behind-the-scenes peek into the coaching life. 


Here are 20 Things Only Coaches' Wives Understand

1. Game Day gear is required to be worn ALL day on Game Day. 
2. Concession stand dinners are acceptable nutrition on Fridays. 
3. 12-hour workdays are the minimum.
4. Having to take the rival team’s colors out of your wardrobe.
5. Turf pellets… enough said. 
6. Snacks are the only way to make it through a game with kids and remain sane.
7. Ink pens will be found in the dryer. 
8. Any type of paper can be used for drawing up plays, and they can be found anywhere in the house. We all know that If You Give a Coach a Scrap of Paper it's downhill from there.
9. Aluminum foil-covered dinner plates waiting in the microwave.
10. The phrase, “No, I’m sorry. We can’t. It’s football season.” 
11. Days worth of Tupperware coming home at one time. 
12.“Trying” to have kids during April-September so that they aren’t born July-December during the season. 
13. The excitement over a new stadium seat (IT’S HEATED AND HAS SO MANY POCKETS!) 
14. Sitting away from other fans to avoid the bleacher coaches. 
15. Your 12-yr-old daughter knowing how to ODK film 
16. The difference between 3-4 and 4-3 defense. 
17. Post-game family hugs on the field.
18. Using football phrases on your kids “Find A Way,” “Hold The Rope,” “Do Your Job.”
19. Fridays: “Yes, I’ll bring you your belt, hat, coaching shirt, lucky underwear, or whatever else you forgot when you left before the sun came up.” 
20. A strong Wife Tribe is one of this crazy life’s greatest blessings.
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