5 Reasons Small Town Football is Awesome

5 Reasons Small Town Football is Awesome

When my husband first got a coaching job in a one-high-school-town I was a bit ... unenthused.
A small town? What will we DO? Where will we EAT? How will I hide when I go to the grocery store in my pajamas?
But it didn't take long to fall in love.
When an offer came a couple years later from the big city, we thought it was a no-brainer. We had to take it, right? It's a climb up the ladder. So we did.
But we soon realized, the brighter lights came with a price. And as soon as we could, we took the pay-cut and climbed a little bit back down the ladder, back to a small, one-school town.
So here are 5 Reasons Why Small Town Football is Awesome:
[mv_create key="1" layout="numbered" thumbnail="false" title="5 Reasons Why Small Town Football is Awesome" type="list"]We know big city football pays more and looks good on resumes. But the benefits of small town football can't be measured in dollar signs or ladder rungs. We love all football, but small town football will always hold a special place in our hearts.
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