A Coach’s Carnival

A Coach’s Carnival

There are so many things to juggle in this coaching life; it can sometimes feel like you are in a circus. When I went to coaching school over the summer, I walked in with my husband, and I was in awe of all the booths, people selling various services, and equipment.

I looked at him and said, "This is like a coach's carnival." And he replied, "You know, it kind of is."

It's easy to lose yourself and get lost in being a coach's wife and mama as you're juggling all the things that go on during the season. It's easy to get lost in the mix between keeping up with your coach and just life in general. It can feel overwhelming and sometimes even daunting.

I remember going through this right after I had our son. I was figuring out life as a coach's wife and as a mama to two littles. My coach asked if I was okay one day, and I told him that I was becoming more myself.

At that time, I wasn't exactly sure what that meant. There were tears shed as I prayed and asked the Lord for my purpose and how I could minister to others in this busy stage of life.

Maybe you're in this boat or have been in this boat before.

Don't stay there. Don't get so lost in life that you forget who you are. And if you end up on a similar path to mine, don't stay there.

Ask God to show you your purpose outside of being a coach's wife.
It's so important to remember that even though we are coaches' wives, you can reach out and make a difference and find your niche. There are no prayers too big or too small for the Lord to answer. 

I encourage you, find at least five minutes to read a chapter of the Word and pray. Pray that the Lord would use you mightily to find your purpose, His purpose for your life.

I have learned to pray God's best for others instead of praying into existence what I think is best because most of the time, we cannot even fathom the amazing plans the Lord has for us, especially when trying to write our own narrative.
Let God steer you into His promises, and I promise you, you won't regret it. Will it

be tough—yes, but it will be so worth it, sister. It's okay to cry, let it out, and breathe.

You're doing amazing, and I have come to the conclusion that God spent a little extra time on us as coaches' wives.

It takes a strong woman to stand behind a coach through thick and thin. It's not glamorous, with the moves, the late night talks when you can barely keep your eyes open, and the crowd sideline coaching.

Ladies, remember that the Lord chose you for this role as a coach's wife. And, honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. So, if you're feeling down, say a prayer and ask the Lord for guidance and find a fellow coach's wife to journey with for a while. Enjoy this coach's carnival and the rides it will take you on.

You never know how the Lord will use you and, you will have some pretty awesome tales to tell of how the Lord not only used you but how He used this life to refine you and mold you into the woman He wants you to be.

Pull up a chair, grab some popcorn or your favorite treat and sit back and enjoy the ride on this coach's carnival. You never know where it will take you. And, thank God for the coaches'  wives!

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