Dear Coaches’ Wives: All We Do Is Win

Dear Coaches’ Wives: All We Do Is Win

Hey, Mrs. Coach!

Forgive the assumption, but you like to win, right? It’s in our blood as coaches’ wives. Nothing can replace that feeling of sweet victory, especially after putting in the work & overcoming adversity. Maybe this adversity comes in the fourth quarter, or maybe it has hit your team the whole week. The win is just the pick-me-up you’ve needed.

There is a reason our coaches work such insane hours. As they prep (and then prep some more), they are studying their opponent- really studying them. When our sweet little sinners are on their 15th timeout for the day, or we, Mrs. Coaches, are watching the 72nd Netflix series by ourselves, they’re STILL game planning. Right up to kickoff, they are scheming.

Nothing is better than outplaying your biggest crosstown rival & taking home “The W.” Sweet, sweet victory, I tell ya.

Marriage with a coach is not for the faint of heart, ladies. I’m sure we all got that uplifting advice during our engagements about how hard this life can be. Quite frankly, I always left these conversations discouraged and frustrated.

It will not be easy. You’re right. My Grandaddy told me anything good worth having takes work. Challenge accepted. We, yes we, have a calling to live out. And we’re going to crush it. For the glory of God, we will crush it.

Perspective can adjust negative feelings towards our coaches and their careers. A dose of growing pains as we find the rhythm of this life can transform silent treatments and sassy daggers into subdued, unwavering support.

We share our best friends with a lot of people. We do so much alone. This coach’s wife life can be INCREDIBLY lonely. This chaotic life can make us resentful if we allow it. And if we do? The Enemy wins. I don’t know about you, but I’m not okay with that. (We like to win, remember?)

The Enemy will do everything in his power to ruin good things. We must recognize our marriages as good things. The Enemy prowls. Not only will our marriages thrive if we can faithfully attack the spiritual warfare together, but our husbands will also be better at their jobs.

Hear this, the ministry suffers if their Mrs. Coach only speaks negativity. We can build our coaches up and really ball out with this calling we share, or we could strangle the life out of it with constant complaining.

I CAN DO ALL (the dishes, home repairs, grocery shopping, bedtimes….) THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGHTENS ME. We can equip ourselves with truth to be victors in this challenging calling. We can lean into Christ and his abundant grace, strength, patience, and gentleness (to name a few) as we navigate this life as Mrs. Coach.

I want some of that, don’t you?

Diligent planning is not just for coaches and the “big games.” Check this out: “in order that Satan might not outwit us, for we are not unaware of his schemes.” (2 Corinthians 2:11). Protect your marriage. Protect your family’s calling as a <fill in your sport(s)> family.

As much as I long to be victorious under those Friday Night Lights, I want to be champions with my coach over our biggest opponent, for “the struggle is not against flesh and blood.”


Adrienne is the wife of a high school Defensive Coordinator in GA. They're entering their 10th season together and have two girls and a Velcro dog. She owns a business where she loves to create faith-based encouragement, especially for coaches’ wives.
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