Dear Coach's Girl

Dear Coach's Girl

Dear Coach’s Girl,

With your big brother, I’ve loved every minute of watching him emulate your father. I’ve gotten emotional thinking of all the ways he will teach your brother to grow into a good man. Then it hit me. You will be looking at me in the same way to teach and lead you. Wow, talk about a gut check. I don’t come anywhere close to handling this life on the sidelines perfectly, but I realize there are important lessons I need to teach you.

I hope I have taught you that it’s okay to be independent and dependent at the same time. I most definitely depend on your dad to come home at the end of the day, and in fact, sometimes the knowledge that your dad is eventually coming home is what’s giving me the hope needed to push on. Husbands and wives are supposed to be dependent on each other: the ultimate team.

But as you’ll learn the hard way, sweet girl, Dad’s… and Mom’s jobs are time-consuming-- that’s what happens when you choose careers where you spend your days pouring into other people’s children. So sometimes, we will find ourselves alone, and we will roll up our sleeves and figure out a way to get things done while your Dad is away. I want you to grow up with the knowledge that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

I hope you stay so sweet. Which is a reminder to myself that I need to show kindness even on those days I am stressed and tired and want to wear my emotions on my sleeve. You will always watch how I handle adversity, and I need to set the bar high and show grace. Grace to your Dad when he’s exhausted, and I expect him to read my mind and jump in and help, and grace to you and your brother when you need to be redirected.

While I want you to be your sweet self forever, oh girl, I so do want you to be fierce. Fierce in all areas of your life. Fierce in your passions, your convictions, your self-worth, and of course fierce on any and all playing surfaces: the field, the court, and the track--you are the product of two coaches, after all.

I hope I have shown you the importance of serving others. Whether it’s serving our community, our teams, our school, or our own family. As I reflect on my career, my proudest moments have never come from something I have done for myself. Those moments have come from how I have helped others reach their own goals. I hope to help mold you into a servant leader who is always willing to help others yet never afraid to stand up for yourself.

I hope one day you will tell people that your Mom “taught me about Jesus and pass interference.” I adore those home decor signs that read, “Home is where God and Coaching have taken us,” and I believe that is an absolute truth for our family. It is mind-blowing to look back on our family’s path and see how God has led our family every step of the way. I pray that you will always trust in Him and know that nothing is more important than your relationship with Him.

Dear Coach's girl, you have given me a new perspective on life. I have to be the best version of myself so that you can be the best version of yourself.

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