Dear Former Players, Send the Invite

Dear Former Players, Send the Invite

Dear Former Players,

It’s me, your old high school football Coach’s wife. You know, the one who brought cookies and brownies to all your games.  The one who went to all your high school games and cheered my heart out for you! That’s me! 

I just want you to know I am still cheering for you. I keep up with your life on Facebook or with talks I still have with your Mommas. I see you graduating college, getting married, and/or having babies of your own.

I just want you to know that even though we may not be directly in your life as we were before, we still want the best for you. Maybe you haven’t thought about us since you graduated or since we left your school. Maybe you’re upset we left. Whatever the case, just know we still talk about you; about that amazing catch or game-winning hit that won us the series or even the fact you nicknamed Coach’s winter gloves “thunderclappers”. 

I say all this because I just want one favor from you: invite us.  

When you graduate college—send us that announcement so we can send a gift. 

When you get married—send us an invitation so we can be right behind your Momma, crying with her when we see your face light up as you see your bride walk down the aisle.  

When you have a baby—you better believe I want to be at that shower, front row, watching you open all those baby gifts.  

When that baby is born—oh you know I want to come over, bring brownies and cookies, and hold that sweet thing.  

The point is, we still want to be as involved in your life as you want us to be. Just because you’re not on that field with us every day, that doesn’t mean we stopped caring.  

You were a huge part of our lives for four years and we hope that we made some kind of impact on your lives as well. 

Our love is not conditional to what you do or did on the ball field. We want you to succeed in all aspects of life. We are still here for you. If you need something just give us a call ... or better yet, a visit.  


                                                                        Your Old Coach’s Wife  

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