Dear Player, My Kids Are Learning From You—Please, Teach Them Well

Dear Player, My Kids Are Learning From You—Please, Teach Them Well

Dear Player,
I have a request for you: I need you to be great. Not just on the field, court, or track—I need you to be great in your effort, in your actions, and in the standards you set for yourself.
You see, every day I send my husband to work and it’s his goal to make you better. And some days I’ll even send my babies, and it’s my life’s work to make them the greatest possible version of themselves. 
See Player, I need you to know that there are always little eyes and little ears hanging on to your every movement and every word. When I send my children to the field house to get a little extra time with their dad, I pray they are seeing examples of greatness from Daddy’s players. Players who are worthy of being emulated, so this mom can feel good when her sweet baby comes home wanting to wear your number, play your position, and be like you.
Player, I need you to be great because I need my kids to have a front row seat to how greatness is achieved.
kids are watching and learning athlete coachs kid
I want them to see that champions show up and they show up big.
Champions show up in the classroom, at practice, the weight room, and to film.
Champions emerge as leaders of the entire student body and can impact the culture of an entire program and of an entire school with their greatness.
I want my children to learn through you that one person can make a difference and that the most effective way to lead is not through words, but through one’s actions.
The greatest teams are comprised of individuals who will put their team and their teammates before themselves without a second thought.
As parents, and even as a coach, we can preach the importance of team over self daily to our children; but nothing will compare to them seeing you make these sacrifices firsthand, Player.
I want you to be the best version of yourself for many reasons.

My entire family, not just my husband, is in the coaching business. We don’t just cheer you on during the game, but we cheer you on in the game of life.
Our goal is for you to grow up and be an amazing human being who is a hard working and responsible employee as well as a devoted and loving spouse and parent one day.
Dear Player, I am expecting the best from you because I am sending you the biggest pieces of my heart.  I’m sending you the best I have, please give them your best.
The Coach’s Wife
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