Dear Supportive Parents, We Couldn't Do This Without You

Dear Supportive Parents, We Couldn't Do This Without You

Dear Supportive Parents, 

You guys are so amazing. Rain or shine, 90 degrees or near freezing, win or lose, you are there. You have your bleacher cushion in hand, wearing school colors, and ready to support your team.  

You mean the world to your athlete, and you mean the world to me.

I’m sure you don’t even realize it, but your support is what keeps our family going. Your simple waves at a game, treats for my kids, ‘likes’ on social media, and even friendly messages help me stay positive during the season.  

To you it may seem so small. You offer to push the stroller, watch a child while I use the bathroom, give me hand warmers at an extremely cold game, and even help to answer my endless, random questions about our new town. I know this does not seem like much to you, but to me, it makes all the difference.

So thank you. Thank you for welcoming me and my family to your community.  Thank you for trusting my husband.  Thank you for supporting us and what we are trying to accomplish.  

Most importantly, thank you for showing my family respect. It’s okay to have your own opinion at a game and it is okay to disagree on play calls, but thank you for coming at that with a kind heart and good intentions.

Sometimes coaches make mistakes, and sometimes players make mistakes, but we are all human and coming together is what keeps our team’s heart beating.

Thank you for teaching your athlete to respect their coach. To try their hardest in school and at practice. If there is a concern, thank you for teaching your child to come to coach instead of badmouthing to peers. 

We all know what we hear at home defines how we view and act towards others. So, your support of coach and all that he stands for is so important for your player, for the team, and for me. 

I might not sit in the bleachers with all the fans on Friday nights, for obvious reasons. But just know, I appreciate you. 

I appreciate your love and support, your kindness, and your respect. 

I appreciate the example you set forth for your student athlete. 

I appreciate your acceptance of my kids, my husband and myself; and together we will make a lasting impact on the lives of so many athletes. We could never turn a program around without you, without our wonderful group of supportive parents. 

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