Dear Veteran Coach's Wife: I'm Going Crazy On My Own

Dear Veteran Coach's Wife: I'm Going Crazy On My Own



How do I deal with being home all the time by myself with just the dog?? I’m going crazy!!!

Going Stir Crazy


Dear Going Stir Crazy,
Figuring out large amounts of time by yourself is a hallmark of the coaching life. When I was sans-kids I filled it with being in control of the remote, working out, and connecting with friends. When we had kids, I found other women who had coach/pastor/farmer/doctor/police husbands who also had weird hours. These women helped me remember that coach’s wives are not the only ones who deal with this. There will be days in your future when you’ve finally adjusted and may find yourself craving time alone when the husband, dog, and/or kids are home. It’s a season of life. Enjoy that puppy and all the interests you can pursue on your own until it changes!


Your Fellow Social Bug

Dear Going Stir Crazy,
Even though your letter was written when it was more difficult to get out and about we know that loneliness isn't something that goes away just because shopping is more accessible. On paper, it sounds wonderful to have your days to yourself to read, exercise, and chip away at your bucket list. But, in reality, you can only clean your kitchen counters so often and your bucket list isn't all that fun to chip away at by yourself.
You haven't offered many details, so we aren't sure if the hours you're referring to are all through the day or after your workday is complete. Certainly, this will impact the number of hours you will want to fill each day, however, I want to encourage you to make sure you not to OVERfill your days. Soon enough the time will come where you will want to spend a lazy weekend with your coach before the next season is in full force again. Regardless, I've learned that it's best to look at the empty calendar space as an opportunity rather than a burden.
For those weeks when the calendar is looking empty and you know you're going to feel like climbing the walls try sticking to a routine. Create a plan that includes a list of things that need to get done as well as some fun things you want to do. Is there a new store you've been meaning to explore? Take time to grab a coffee and check it out one afternoon. 
If you have a lot of extra time on your hands seize the day! Do you love photography? Check out the local park district or community college to see when the next photography classes are offered. You will sharpen your skills and keep yourself busy doing something you enjoy. As a bonus, you'll be around people who also enjoy the same hobby!
If all else fails, bake some cookies for the team. They will love it and your coach will know you're thinking about him while he's on the field. 

Every Season is an Adventure, Embrace it!

Beth Walker

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