Even If We Don't Have a Season, There's Still Work to be Done

Even If We Don't Have a Season, There's Still Work to be Done

Dear Fellow Friday Night Wives,

COVID-19 has disrupted many of our well-laid plans, called into question many aspects of our daily lives, and left us wondering what the future will hold. School buildings were closed, spring sports and graduations were canceled. Our summers were not filled with the usual sports camps and practices.

But as the beginning of the new school year looms, we are left wondering if football season will become another casualty of this virus. 

Will those Friday night lights shine this fall? What will happen if one of our players gets sick? What if our season gets cut short? What if it never gets a chance to start? How will my coach handle the disappointment? 

For most of us, these remain unanswered questions.

We still have work to do

But one thing I do know is that there will still be young men who will need our husbands.

Present circumstances do not relieve them of their calling to raise up men of integrity. Our country needs them more today than ever before.

Even if we don’t get to play a single down, students will still need our husbands.

They will need them for stability, leadership, and discipline. They will watch to see how they handle the disappointment of a missed season. What better time to teach them, by example, that circumstances can take your happiness but it can’t take your joy. Joy comes from the Lord, not the world. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. John 15:11

Even if he doesn’t get to teach them to block and tackle this year, he can teach them to be a husband and father. He can teach them to be a good friend, to respect those in authority and to love others.

team on the field

While dealing with emotions might not be a coach’s area of speciality, his players are going to need help navigating through unfamiliar feelings of restlessness, anxiousness, and anger at the situation. 

So, while we may be hesitant to gear up fully for the season of play, you can be sure that we should get ready for a season of service. This I know, I am still called to support my coach as he fulfills his calling to minister to young men.

This may look very different this year. Instead of preparing team meals or snacks and cheering for the boys at games, it may be listening to our coach’s frustrations, encouraging the coaching staff and players and spending time praying for their physical, mental, and spiritual health.

We still have work to do

Our coaches will also need us to assure them that they have a purpose, even without a schedule to play. As men, they find much of their identity in what they do for a living. It will be vital for us to remind them that as Christians, our identity comes not of works, but through Christ. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

I pray that we get to play our season as scheduled but ,

Even if our stadium doesn’t open it’s gates this fall….

Even if our seniors never get to put on those purple helmets again….

Even if I don’t hear the fight song again this year….

Even if I don’t get to see my Coach nod to me in the stands before a game….

I will praise HIM, even if…………………..

Sing unto him, sing praises unto him;

Talk ye of all his marvelous works. 1 Chronicles 16:9

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