Finding Joy

Finding Joy

Recently in our Friday Night Wives Facebook Group, several posts have started with "Look What Coach Did" attached with a photo of a bouquet of flowers, new jewelry, or tickets to something.

Aren't these all the sweetest acts of love? It got me thinking, "Why doesn't my coach do those sweet things for me? Why isn't he sending my flowers, chocolates, jewelry, or vacations during the season? Doesn't he love me? Doesn't he care about my happiness? Doesn't he see all the balls in the air of my unique juggling act … kids, bills, house, chores, full-time job, relationships?"

Do not get me wrong; I love my husband. BUT … REAL TALK… why do I feel this way? Well, duh, it is the devil talking to me. The devil wants me to think like that. He wants to drive that wedge in my marriage. He wants control of my heart to harden it and drive me away from all the good things that the Lord has provided me.

The devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Meaning he wants to kill your marriage, steal your joy, and destroy your heart. It is easy during times you are overwhelmed or run down. Well, now what?

Here are three things I do when I am feeling low and need to find joy in or out of season.

  • Self-Care: Treat yourself to a mani-pedi; take an extra long shower or bubble bath; apply a facial mask. Take the time to take care of yourself. It is true what they say look good, feel good. 
  • Share: Pray and/or join a small group at your local church. I can personally attest to the power of joining a small group. Talking with people that are in similar life stage as you help you connect, grow, and receive care when you need it.
  • Make Plans: Make a date with your friends for dinner or coffee to catch up. Take a chance, make a date with your husband for a Saturday. Who knows, it might be the medicine you both need to reconnect during the season.

Just promise me one thing, you will look for joy every day. There is something to be thankful for and joyful over every day. Remember, you were chosen for this life and nothing more important than knowing that God has a plan for you. 


A former football coach’s daughter turned coach’s wife, Stephanie can be found chasing after her son, Gunner under the Friday Night Lights while cheering for the Thomas County Central Yellow Jackets. She enjoys Venti Iced Caramel Macchiatos, singing Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer, and shopping for earrings and braclets. Social Media: Instagram @Mrs.Coach.Windon 
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