Finding the Blessing in the Busyness

Finding the Blessing in the Busyness

If you’re reading this, chances are you finally had a chance to sit down and relax for a few minutes. Or maybe you are waiting in the line to pick up your kid from school? Potentially on your lunch break? Or even sitting on the toilet with a child climbing up your leg and tugging on your hair and destroying half the roll of TP?

Whatever it may be, congratulations on finally getting a moment to read a blog post!

For some of us, we are in the thick of a season and it may seem like the days are spent as a taxi driver, chef, and go-to gal, taking on more than seems possible. We are going from school to the babysitter, or to appointments and meetings and then making lunches and taking kids to practices.

Somehow, we plan on making it home in time to eat dinner before 9 pm. If you’re lucky, maybe you even snuck in a walk with the dog or a 45-minute workout! If you did, major kudos.


And the busyness can be stressful. While we may want to rip out our hair 95 percent of the time, this is how our lives function. We’ve all been there and reached our breaking point. The tears have flowed, we’ve ordered take out, we’ve missed appointments, and you’ve realized that you never switched the laundry over from yesterday and the kids haven’t bathed in 3 days. But we are making it. We are managing. We are making it work. Because this is what we always do. But don't forget this busyness is a blessing.

Some days it feels like we aren’t surviving, but we are absolutely surviving. And better yet, we are LIVING. One day, the busyness will start to settle down and we will look back and wonder how we did it all. And we will miss the days we had exactly twelve minutes to scarf down a dinner before we had to leave the house.
That phrase “the days are long but the years are short” has never been more relevant. Try to accept the crazy. Embrace the busyness. And wear that badge with honor and pride because God makes no mistakes in His plan, and you were cut out for this.

You are doing AWESOME. And you aren’t simply surviving. You are LIVING.
Consider your busyness a blessing ... and how lucky we are to be so busy.


Written by: Samantha Myers
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