For A Time Such As This

For A Time Such As This

The home screen on my phone often displays a football field and the words, “Perhaps this is the season for which you were created.” Though not an exact biblical quote, it’s based on the book of Esther, one of my favorite stories in the Bible. 

“Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, ‘Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?’” Esther 4:13-14 (NASB) 

Your current situation, such a time as this, might be the very reason you were put in this position as a coach’s wife. 

Wait… What? God would place me in misery, in a town I do not love, with people I do not like? Yes, queen! Perhaps this is the season for which you were created. 

Maybe you’re happy in your situation but waiting to discover your exact purpose. Maybe you’ve been given the keys to the kingdom. What will you do now? Perhaps this is the season for which you were created. 

Esther, an orphan girl displaced from her home, found favor with the king and ultimately saved her people from mass genocide. God could’ve accomplished His plans without Esther. He can accomplish His plans without you and me. But perhaps this is the season for which you were created. 

I’m far from royalty, and I lack the confidence of Esther. She embraced royalty over righteousness, yet God chose Esther to set her own interests aside and unflinchingly face an enemy. Mordecai challenged her to accept the risks with no guarantees of a positive outcome. 

That’s the challenge God sets before you and me. 

God has given each of us a position as a coach’s wife, which seems to carry risks with no guarantees of a positive outcome. God has opened opportunities to optimize His kingdom purposes. He didn’t place you or me where we are so we could create our own kingdom of happiness and pleasure. He placed us wherever we are because He will fulfill HIS purpose- with or without us. 

An entire nation was grateful for how Esther responded to Mordecai’s rebuke. Their lives were spared. I get it – that’s a huge calling! We may not be here to save lives, but what if we are? To miss a kingdom assignment because we’ve become too caught up in our personal kingdom is one of the greatest tragedies we could ever face. 

Whether you’re in a season of personal highs or personal lows, who knows whether you have attained your position for such a time as this?


Stacy Riker is a head football coach's wife in a small rural community outside of Lubbock, Texas. They have two boys and two dogs. When she's not living the coach wife life, she works as a family law attorney.
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