So God Made a Coach's Wife

So God Made a Coach's Wife

Then He said, "Man is not good alone. Especially this one."

So God made a coach's wife.

He knew there would be lots of days when his mind would be elsewhere when he'd be so wrapped up in X's and O's and wins and losses that they would start sitting in his belly like stones, the pressure of the next game sitting at the top of pile. He knew he'd need someone to hold his hand and listen (or just sit in silence), snuggle on the couch with him and watch Breaking Bad, hug him and help him take a breath that, just for a moment, would give him calm.

So God made a coach's wife.

He knew there would be countless late nights, many days the only proof of his existence would be shaven hairs in the sink and yesterday's Tupperware soaking on the kitchen counter. He knew the seasons would be back-breakingly long and whoever he'd be leaving behind everyday would need an extra dose of things like patience and strength.

So God made a coach's wife.

He knew there would be kids showing up at the door at 8 o'clock to talk and occasionally end up staying the night. He knew they would confide in him things he wouldn't be able to carry alone, things he would need to share the weight of. God knew he would need someone who would grieve with him and pray with him for boys she really didn't even know that well.

So God made a coach's wife.

He knew many wouldn't understand the importance of his all-encompassing world, wouldn't get that this life was so much more than blowing whistles and running sprints and charting plays. He knew he would need someone who got it, who knew it was not just a game but a mission field, plain and simple.
So God Made a Coach's Wife Shirt

So God made a coach's wife.

He knew there would be transition after transition, that he would be there and not be there over and over again. He knew he would need someone resilient, who could adjust and make-do, roll with the punches and be flexible. Who could pick up where he left off and home would feel different, but still good.

So God made a coach's wife.

He knew he would value leadership and crave respect, something he'd be able to acquire so easily from his players, but would be harder to come by at home. He knew he would need it when he walked through the door, even if he'd been gone for three straight days.

So God made a coach's wife.

He knew he would eat, drink, breathe, and dream about a sport. That he would be an eternal student of the game and use up nearly 98% of his brain cells on things like lineups and coverages and plays. That even during his hours off, there would be a game on the TV. God knew he would need someone to sit there next to him, even if just reading a book.

So God made a coach's wife.

He knew he'd look up into the stands after every game, searching for a face. That win or lose, he would need a biggest fan. Someone who would be there, smiling, to tell him he looks really good from behind.

So God made a coach's wife.

He knew he would need someone who would text him videos of the kids, show up at practice with Happy Meals and coloring books, drive all across the state so they could see him at least on Friday, and adjust nap schedules and bedtimes whether or not it was convenient so he wouldn't miss out on this stage.

So God made a coach's wife.

He knew he would need a prayer warrior, who would fight for their marriage even when it felt like it was impossible, who believed in commitment and better or worse and forever. He knew this one needed to be head strong and stubborn in the best ways.

So God made a coach's wife.

And when He looked down and saw all that He had created, just like that wife sitting in the stands watching the ball float through the uprights as the final seconds ticked off the clock, He triumphantly shouted, "IT'S GOOD!! IT'S GOOD!!"

And. It. Was.

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