Yes, I stole that title from a song, and maybe I exposed my age in doing so.
When we’re on road trips, I put on the best car karaoke show. I will never audition for American Idol (I’m a terrible singer), but I will perform for friends and family if the time feels right. My kids aren’t fans.
My favorite song to sing to my husband is “I’ll Be” by Edwin McCain. I first heard that song when I was in junior high. What’s not to love about a song with a saxophone? The music is beautiful, and although I think the lyrics were written to express a breakup, they still speak to my soul. The song ends with the simplest line, “The greatest fan of your life.”
When I say those words to my husband, he knows that I mean them.
Not just the loudest fan in the stands.
Not just the crazy lady with the face paint.
I will be the greatest fan of your LIFE! It sounds effortless, but sometimes it is difficult.
It’s easy to ring my bell on Friday nights and cheer at the top of my lungs because I love it. I love the butterflies in my stomach, the thrill of the crowd, the excitement from the band and cheerleaders, the hard-hitting defense, and, of course, the touchdowns.
But I don’t always have that same enthusiasm when he’s working weekends and getting home during the week after everyone else in our home has finished dinner. I am not always excited when he has extra duty at the basketball game or agrees to run a bus route before or after school.
Even in the difficult or not-so-glamorous times, I know deep down that being a supportive partner is important. Showing up at games is easy, but providing daily support is hard, especially when I’m also a mom, a busy attorney, a homemaker, etc.
There are endless ways to be a supportive wife or partner. I listen. I try to keep my nagging to a minimum. I keep up with the laundry (and make sure the gameday shirt goes on the same hanger each week – weird, I know). I send an occasional treat to the coaches’ office. I help with tasks at the fieldhouse. I pray.
And sometimes I’m just there. I show up and let him know that I am the greatest fan of his life.