I'm a Mom and a Coach's Wife—and I'm Still Recovering from Football Season

I'm a Mom and a Coach's Wife—and I'm Still Recovering from Football Season

It’s the end of February, and I’m just now gaining control of my motherhood and home management following football season. I don’t like saying that I’m on the struggle bus, but let’s face it, I've been driving the bus for a while.

Our football season wrapped up in late October, but then every Friday night coach found a local game to go to. Then it was Thanksgiving and Christmas, we even squeezed in a quick family vacation between Christmas and New Year’s. Then were the never-ending months of January and February filled with sniffles and stomach bugs, fevers and sore throats, you name it!

It’s been endless. It’s been hard. It has been exhausting.

So why am I shocked that I just got ahead? Am I ashamed that it took me so long? Clutter bothers me to my core. I love tidiness. But, I also love my job, I love my family, and I love engaging in my new community.

Maybe next year I will have it all figured out. I will avoid stacking papers and I will keep the counters clean.

I will somehow find extra time to switch out my kids’ summer clothes for our winter wardrobe and not have totes and piles for donation sitting around for weeks.

I will follow my menu plan and not clutter up the cabinets with meals I planned to make but never did.

I will stay ahead of the laundry instead of folding it and never putting it away in the correct location.

I will update my family calendar on our wall since it still says October and now we are heading into spring.

I will handle fall décor, Christmas décor, Christmas toys, school parties, treats, family meals and experiences, and I will not let our house become a disaster as we live our full and purposeful lives.

Maybe I will have it all figured out. Maybe I never will. Or maybe I already do.

It takes a lot to be the go-to person around the house. Definitely during football season, but even after it wraps up. I have a husband to support, kids to raise, a career to pursue, athletes to cheer for, and a “self” to take care of. 

It’s a lot, mamas. It really is.

What can I do instead of clouding my judgment with more mental clutter and endless to do lists? I can breathe. Have grace. Pray, love and be present.  If it takes me 4 months to get my house in order following the season, then let it be. It is easier said than done, I know.

I can fill my days with routines and to do lists, but I don’t want to set myself up for failure. I want to live purposefully and passionately. I want my home to be a place where my kids, my husband and myself can relax and enjoy. I want to fill my days with love and happiness. 

And just think, only about 4 more months until I get to start the season all over again!

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