This Marriage is NOT Interrupted for Football Season

This Marriage is NOT Interrupted for Football Season

I don’t know about you, but I hate the saying, “We interrupt this marriage to bring you football season.” 
I would agree that it is hard, and you have to adapt and make sacrifices and there is never enough time in the day.
But I also think there are ways to make the season sweeter and easier if both my husband and I are intentional about it. During the game, every second counts. The same goes in our marriage
Here are a few ways to sneak some extra minutes in together as a married couple and a family. We don’t do all of these every week, but doing a few of them definitely helps! 


Early morning meeting and a later practice day.

  • Muffin Monday: Try a new recipe (or box-no judgment here!). Keep some at home and take the extras up to the school. We get to see my husband for a few minutes and take him a treat that hopefully, he shares with the rest of the coaches! 
  • Eat dinner before Coach gets home and have a plate ready for him to warm up so you can sit with him and talk about the day while he eats.
  • Go for a quick walk before bedtime—walks have always created great space for us to talk.


Early morning meeting and later practice day.

  • Wake up when your husband wakes up! I work on Tuesdays so I try to get up when he gets up and eat breakfast with him.
  • Read the Bible or pray together before he leaves for the day. 
  • Pick one morning a week that you are both up before the kids and enjoy time together before the busy day starts. 


Practice is out a little earlier because of church and/or youth groups. 

  • Set an alarm on your phone for a different time each day to pray for your husband, his staff, and the team.
  • Plan a date. Get a babysitter for even an hour if you need to. Go get dinner, just dessert, or even take a trip to the grocery store together.
  • Make time for a quick cuddle on the couch and watch something funny that will both make you laugh.


Pre-game dinner after practice

  • Go with your coach to the pre-game dinner. The parents that host our pre-game dinners are always happy to have us and it's a good way for the players to see their coach as a husband and dad.
  • Send a text during the day that will make him smile. Say something different than the usual “Have a good day. Love you!” Tell him what you love about him, or something you did today that would have made him laugh with you.


Game Day! Coach leaves early for breakfast with the team and mentors. 

  • Put a note in his bag the night before, or send a game day text after you wake up. 
  • Lunch! This is a tradition my sister-in-law started that I love. We pick up lunch at one of their favorite restaurants and go up to the school to eat with them even if it's a short 20-minute slot they have free. It’s a great way to see each other in the midst of a busy day, drop off anything they forgot that morning, and enjoy a meal together.
  • Go to the game. As much as you have the energy and capacity to, be there for your husband. Let your kids go to the field after the game and give dad a hug after a win or a loss. Kids don’t care!
  • Give your husband a kiss after the game. Let him know your love is not conditional.
  • Take a picture together on the field at the end of the night. 


Film meetings for most of the day.

  • Family meals-another tradition learned from my sister-in-law! The coaches’ wives at our school take turns making food each week and then bring it to the school for us to all eat together with the coaches. They work in the morning, get a lunch break with their families, and then back to work on film and game prep. This has been a great way to build community amidst the coaching staff and their families!
  • Date night! This could be a great night to get a babysitter and go to dinner. Or if everyone is tired, order pizza and turn on a good college football game!


Church, rest, and film.  

  • Go to church as a family if that is part of your routine and family values. 
  • Work out together. We love to go up to the school, let the kids run around the gym and play and get a workout together. Everyone feels better!
  • Take a nap! We LOVE Sunday afternoon naps. 
  • Give your coach 1:1 time with your kids if you have them. This is special. Do something for yourself or by yourself while they enjoy time together. 
  • Accept that your husband may have to watch game film or get a little work done today to prepare for Monday, but try to make it a priority for you both to invest in your marriage and family as much as possible today. 
I know these may not work for everyone, but these are a few ways that have helped us stay sane and connected during a busy season. And remember it is only a season. No matter what job you or your husband has, seasons change, schedules open up and fill up. Put the work in no matter what season you are in. 
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