My Husband is a Coach—But He Doesn't Coach Our Kids' Youth Teams

My Husband is a Coach—But He Doesn't Coach Our Kids' Youth Teams

Recently our five year old started playing tee-ball. Welcome to the world of playing in the dirt and getting distracted by butterflies.  

A little backstory. Daddy Coach didn’t volunteer to help coach the team. He also has worked hard not to let the current coach know that he actually gets paid to coach baseball.  

Before the season started we sat down and had the “do you want to coach” conversation. In the end my husband’s response was, “I just want to be a parent for once.”  

That, to me, was enough. 

At our last practice we were talking with another parent who knows my husband coaches for a living. He said in a joking way, “Why aren’t you out there coaching these kids up?” Naturally we both laughed it off and simply chalked it up to Coach not having the patience for this age group (4-5 year olds).  

In no way did this parent mean the comment in a negative way, but it got me thinking. If everyone knew my husband was a high school baseball Coach would they ask the same thing? 

Why is it that just because he coaches for a living, does everyone think he should want to Coach is own kid. I know that’s the natural thought process but why think negatively of him if he doesn’t. 

For years my husband has spent time coaching other people’s children. He loves every minute of it.  

When it comes to his own, he wants to sit back and let someone else do it.  This isn’t because he is lazy or a sorry Dad. He simply wants to be able to relax and watch his kid play.  

He wants to be able to eat his popcorn and cheer for the team like every other parents gets to do. He wants to be able to silently (obviously in his mind, not loudly of course—after all we are still a coaching family and know how to act in the stands) question the coach’s play call. He wants our kid to learn from other coaches and not just from him. 

Basically he just wants to be a parent to a kid who is playing baseball.  

Now I know, some Daddy Coaches lifelong dream is to Coach their kid. I am not saying that is wrong. I think this is amazing and such a cool thing to see.  What Momma wouldn’t love to see this go down?  

Part of me is disappointed by the fact that my husband isn’t interested, but I understand. I mean, I am a lifelong fan. I cheer for kids all the time that aren’t even mine and its pretty dang fun. Why not let Coach get in on that action?  

Technically my coach can retire before our son gets to the high school level and right now he says he is going out at the 30 year mark regardless. Who’s to say he actually will? 

When our son is 15 and doesn’t get distracted by butterflies anymore maybe the idea of coaching him will be more appealing. Whether it does or not doesn’t bother me. 

Right now our son doesn’t understand the fact that Daddy coaches for a living but isn’t coaching him. All he knows is he is having fun and has Mommy, sister AND Daddy on the sidelines cheering him on.   

Daddy Coach finally gets to sit on the other side of the fence cheering like a fool for his kid and Mommy gets some extra help with baby Sister on the sidelines. Who can’t get excited for that ?  

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