Real Life Applications for Coach’s Lessons

Real Life Applications for Coach’s Lessons

For twenty years, I have been dealing with my husband trying to "coach" me through life's ups and downs. I used to find it incredibly annoying, mostly because he always had a better approach than I did to everything.

I can honestly say that the only time his unique skill set as a coach did not come in handy was in the labor and delivery room for our three kids. But in his defense, he was just way too out of his element there.

Other than that, his advice and input have guided me through the extremely difficult, as well as the incredibly joyous, situations. So, here are some real-life applications of coach's lessons.

A head coach is only as good as his assistants:
I have witnessed mediocre coaches succeed because they were smart enough to know they needed assistants to fill in for their lack. And I have seen phenomenal coaches be unsuccessful because they were silly enough to think it's all up to them.

In real life, this is the same as you are only as good as the company you keep. The other coach's wives and friends that you let into your bubble will make you or break you.

And after several moves, I have realized just how important it is to find "your people" as fast as you can. But, you also must not settle. As a coach's wife, our free time is rare and precious, so you shouldn't give it away to just anyone.

Win the day:
This was coach's favorite saying from the very beginning. That and "How do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time." While the end goal is always state or national championships, and in getting to those conference championships as well, the only way to get there is by taking it one day at a time, one practice at a time, one game at a time.

In real life, this is the same for surviving the regular season, all the way through tournament play, into the "off-season." But, if I am being honest, we have to break it down into even smaller bits- one morning at a time, one work day at a time, one dinner at a time.

Know the playbook:
Sports is one of the only places where you can do all the right things and put in your best effort, but you still don't know what the outcome of the game will be. That's why a coach and the players have a playbook- a what to do in case *this* or *that* happens guidebook.

Well, in real life, our playbook is the Bible. It's not as cut and dry as a coach's playbook. But, if you study it enough, I promise you that you'll have a better idea of how to think, act, and navigate any uncertain situations that come your way.

Control the controllable:

Going back to the point about not knowing the outcome in sports even when you put in your best effort and work your hardest. Instead of being overwhelmed or nervous, coach just focuses on what he can do- he studies game film, plans for most likely scenarios, and teaches players to the best of their abilities. And in the moment when it's up to them to implement his guidance and direction, he has to relinquish almost all control.

It might always be true in sports but it also happens frequently in all aspects of life. So the same goes for us. Do what you can with what you have. And with regards to the outcome, relinquish control of the results. Be okay with failure, rejection, and delays. Just like losing a game, they can all teach you something if you allow them to.

There are plenty more real-life applications for coach's lessons that are self-explanatory, like…
Always do the right thing, not the easy thing.
A leader's job isn't to make everyone happy, it's to be the example of doing the right thing, not the easy thing.
And anyone can beat anyone on any given day (so never lose hope.)

Taking time to implement even one of these into areas of your real-life will help you thrive beyond your wildest dreams.

Just don't tell my coach that I admitted it!

Jess Gilardi is a lacrosse coach’s wife living on the East Coast. They have three young kids and have been living this life since 2004. She was a mental health therapist in the school system before becoming the full time chaos coordinator for the family (a.k.a. stay-at-home mom). Jess started writing, hoping that by sharing her stories and lessons learned, she might help others learn “the easy way.”
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