They Will Grow; For the Kids of Fall

They Will Grow; For the Kids of Fall

They will grow up on the sidelines.

Watching cheerleaders soar, huddles form, and flags fly (hopefully against the other team). 

They will grow up in the stands, eagerly searching for our favorite guy, the one with a headset, the one filled with love for the game and his calling. 

They will grow up on the field, awaiting the end of the 4th so they can run into their daddy’s arms and the hugs and kisses will be just as sweet regardless of what the scoreboard says. 

Sweet girls, you will grow and see seasons both great and difficult. It won’t always be fun or easy, but it will make you both better because of it. Through it all, you will learn perseverance, faith, family (both blood and extended) and football. 

It may not be a life many would choose, but we wouldn’t choose anything less than this.  

Here is to another season under those Friday night lights. To the end zone and back baby! 

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