To All The People And Places I've Loved Before

To All The People And Places I've Loved Before

Not that I've ever been accused of being too dramatic before or anything, but when I hear a song about heartache and breakups, I think of all the people and places that I've loved before. There's a saying, "friends come and go." But if you're a coach's wife, it's most likely you are the one that's doing the coming and going. 

I've never wanted to move when that call came in. Yes, it had a lot to do with how hard moving is, but it was more than that. I had fought through the difficulties and found my people and favorite places. And I loved them with my whole heart. I couldn't see living without them or having more room for new people and places. (See, it's a lot like a Taylor Swift song in my head at all times.) 

To All the People I've Loved Before:

I know it might be hard to believe since you see me hanging out with a bunch of new people and making all sorts of new friends, but I still think about you all the time. I still love a random text from you and when Facebook memories remind me of our time together. Even though we don't have the same frequent opportunities to see each other, it doesn't make you less important. You impacted me in ways you may or may not even know. Whether it was walking alongside me or supporting me in a time of need, I honestly won't ever forget you. 

To All the Places I've Loved Before:

I know it might be hard to believe since you see me wearing new colors, cheering for a new team, and finding my new favorite places, but I still think about you all the time. I still cheer for you, celebrate your wins, and feel your losses. I still hold the memories and traditions we had so dearly. So even though I won't be able to visit like I used to, it doesn't make you less important.
You impacted me in ways you may or may not even know. Whether it was providing a place of family fun or becoming more like home game after game, season after season, I honestly am grateful you were a part of our journey. 

In the words of a Dan and Shay song:
"Nothing is forever
And now I'm just figuring it out
That's what makes it better"
I have come to realize the uncertainty of our time together forces me to appreciate and enjoy every moment because I never know when it'll be our last.  

To All the Future People and Places I Will Love:

I know it might be hard to believe since I don't know when and where we will meet, but I promise to approach you with an open heart and give you an equal amount of space as those who've come before you.
I haven't always been this way. It used to take me years to open up, but that just made me miss out on precious time that I can never get back. I don't want to make that same mistake with you. 

I used to think that deep friendships only came after years and years together. I used to believe that places and events held value based on the length of time you've been visiting them. But this lifestyle isn't just about achieving more wins than losses or how many trophies have been earned. It's about doing what you can, where you can, while you can for who you can. It's leaving an impact and being impacted by the people and the places this lifestyle takes you. 

Through the years I’ve learned that another saying is even more true for us coach's wives. It's quality over quantity. I’m so grateful the many quality friendships I’ve made in every community we’ve lived. I know God will continue to allow me to cross paths with amazing people where ever he brings us through the coaching life.

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