To the Wives in My Tribe from the New Wife on Staff: Thank You

To the Wives in My Tribe from the New Wife on Staff: Thank You

To the Wives in My New Tribe

I would be lost without you. Each one of you has played a special role in my life this year.

I would be lost navigating this new community. You have welcomed me and my family with open arms, showing me the ropes, and helping me create new football traditions. You are the answer to my prayers. 

Moving this summer for another coaching position was hard. I was so excited to start this new journey with my husband and family. My non-coaching friends were supportive but still questioning, Why would I want to move my little boy away from family and close friends.

My response? I knew the Lord was calling us to follow his plan for our lives. When called, we must faithfully answer, knowing that God will provide for our needs. 

As with any move, you pray and pray a lot.

You pray for your husband. You pray for your children. You pray for your new home. You pray for the school. You pray for the community.

And if you’re like me you pray for friendship. You pray hard for it. There is nothing more important than who you do life with. Who you know determines how you grow and where you go. As a Christian, surrounding yourself with others who strive to be like Christ is important.

God created us to be relational beings. He wanted us to first crave a relationship with Him but also other people. Those other people are important. Who we allow in our inner circle is so precious. Those are the relationships that are intimate. They are the ones that should be so encouraging and uplifting to Christ. 

With a thankful heart, I am glad we answered God’s call. The relationships I have formed with my tribe are so uplifting, encouraging, and honor the Lord.

So thank you, Tribe. Thank you for so many things. 

Thank you for your support. In the midst of a lot of unknowns, you were there! You offered great advice and answered every question. Trust me, I had a lot of them. Your unwavering support to welcome and assist my family in this new time was a blessing. 

Thank you for your understanding. Whenever anything happens, the first thing I think is to tell you all. That's the sign of awesome friends. Your understanding and encouragement is proof that grace still exists and can be given freely. 

Thank you for your prayers. You have inspired me to do more and be more in Christ. My walk is stronger because you are there. I feel his presence more because I know you pray for my family and me. 

You are a blessing in my life. Relationships are gifts from our Lord. Yours is a true blessing. It reminds me daily that I am loved by the Lord above. 


The New Wife on Staff

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