Where’s Daddy?

Where’s Daddy?

“Where’s Daddy?” — The question that gets asked regularly this time of year. 
Each time the answer is the same — “He’s at football.”
That phrase, “He’s at football.” Sure, that’s where he is, but what he’s doing there is so much more than just the game of football. 
He’s making boys stronger, physically and mentally. 
He’s molding young men into the husbands and fathers they will become.
He’s teaching grit, passion, and perseverance. 
He’s being a supporter to those that need it. 
He’s encouraging his players to be their best in the face of adversity. 
So where’s Daddy? Yes, my sweet child, he’s not here, and he’s at football. You may not understand today or in the next few years even, but he’s doing what God designed him to do. He’s working hard and making us proud. 
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