You And Me Mentality

You And Me Mentality

Some may say, “…and they lived happily ever after.”


When you’re married to a coach, you’re in a league of your own. I find it quite fitting for a coach and his Mrs. to say, “AND THEY… TACKLED. THE CALLING. TOGETHER.” 

When we shift our thought process from me/my and him/his, our marriages are better for it. It’s not a separate entity, this marriage thing. It was never meant to be.

Though, the long hours and crazy schedules do make you wonder, huh? It’s so important to cling to truth. And I’m here to tell you that when the father of lies tries to convince you that you and your coach live separate lives, that ain’t the truth.

The scoundrel wins if he traps us in this mentality.

If we claim to “tackle” this calling alongside our favorite dudes in khaki pants and headsets, that means we must be active participants. We must put in the work.

Pray for his staff, kids, & our community.

Pray that we find OUR purpose in whatever new town we’ve been planted (not “for his job *with an eye-roll*” but rather, “OUR new assignment”).

There will be blood, sweat, and tears as we strive to make this thing the best it can be. As active participants, we show up. We can show up at games and/or in the never-ending venues of support outside of the stadium.

Remember, anything good worth having (*cough* *cough*, a partnership with coach in this ministry) DOES. NOT. COME. EASY.

Don’t miss what God has for you in this season because you’re stuck in a landslide of resentment, friends. Maybe you do fall victim, and you need help crawling out of the rubble. That’s normal. We are humans, not robots.

Sometimes, this looks like crying out to coach for a lifeline. Maybe it’s leaning on a fellow coach’s wife to speak truth instead of setting up camp with you in the Bitter Barn.

You are the only Mrs. Coach ___ there is. You are with your coach for a reason. You HAVE to believe this. Satan loves to make us feel alone. He loves to destroy good things. He loves to cause strife in marriages, all marriages truly. But especially the ones that are doing Kingdom work.

Sometimes, we will miss the tackle. That hurts. In a lot of different ways, this coach’s wife gig can hurt. Poor or no communication. Not enough quality time with our best friends. (The list could go on, but love keeps no record of wrongs, right?). We won’t always get it right, and the attempted tackles can look really ugly. But you know what? You get back up and keep training.

When you wrap the Opponent up, taking him to the ground because you’re not unaware of his schemes, you know you’re right where God wants you—with one on the sidelines and one in the stands, tackling this calling together for His. Name’s. Sake.


Adrienne is the wife of a high school Defensive Coordinator in GA. They're entering their 10th season together and have two girls and a Velcro dog. She owns a business where she loves to create faith-based encouragement, especially for coaches’ wives.
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