You Can Always Spot a Coach in the Wild

You Can Always Spot a Coach in the Wild

Khakis, polo, hat, repeat. 

Oh, it must be football season, right? 

And when it’s off season? 

That’s right, it then becomes: jeans, football t-shirt, hat, repeat.

If there’s one thing I know about being married to a Coach, it’s the crazy amount of football and school related everything he has hung up in his closet. The result? He’ll be a walking school billboard everywhere we go. 

When you suggest wearing a different snapback hat, he’ll say, “But it’s not broken in yet.” You’ll think, Well, it could be if you give your school one a break.

If he asks, “Where’s my hoodie?”, you’ll know it’s the one you’ve had secretly hidden for the past three weeks.

As you know, a perk of coaching is getting in on all of the yearly swag, and if your Mr. Coach has plenty of years in the game, I’m sure he’s made quite the collection.

So, when I recently tasked myself with reorganizing, decluttering, and color-coding my husband’s section of our walk-in closet, it was no surprise that over 80% of his clothing was football related attire. Throw in the fact that he’s also the Athletic Director, well, you get the picture.

Now don’t get me wrong, one of my favorite characteristics about my husband is that he is the definition of easy-going. It’s a rarity to hear him complain pretty much about anything in life…except for when it comes to well-fitting clothing.

Turns out, according to him, the best fitting apparel happens to have football or mascot logos centered across his chest.

So, whether we go to a cookout, munch on samples at Costco, or even vacation across international waters, he’s almost always guaranteed to be wearing at least one high school football item.

When he’s not decked out in school colors, I often joke, “Who are you and what have you done with my husband?!”

Though at times, it feels like I’m washing the same t-shirt over and over and over (did I mention the word, over?!), I know it’s all part of the gig. My Coach loves the gridiron and his players and truly is proud to be part of its brotherhood. 

Does seeing him in the same rotation of clothing genuinely bother me? Nah, it doesn’t. 

But it sure is fun to poke fashion jokes when he wears anything other than his go-to ensemble.  

Besides, I guess it’s true what they say- there is something quite exciting about a man in a uniform.

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