You Might Be a Coach's Wife (PART TWO!)

You Might Be a Coach's Wife (PART TWO!)

We asked. You answered. And then we picked some of our favorites to share! So without further ado…you might be a coaches’ wife part two!

If you missed part one, click here!

You might be a coach’s wife if …

“You can change your baby’s diaper in the small stadium bathroom stall. #winning”  (Stephanie Lebsack)

“If you consider your husband wearing a polo shirt without a school logo ‘dressed up.’” (Denise Moyano)

“If you have to come home and repent after all the games because of what you said to the referees…” (Holly Williams)

“If you carry kt tape or athletic tape in your purse...just in case.” (Erynn Chrisman)

“If you know how to fix the mower, washer, and dryer, plumbing, and everything in between.” (Ashley Nash)

“If your car looks like you slept and ate there for three months. Gloves, hats, umbrellas, empty water bottles, stadium seats, noise makers, blankets, and lots of trash and crumbs.” (Angela Rogers)

“If you have a baby in August after celebrating the end of a good season.” (Kayla Fox)

“You know ‘I’ll be home by 6 is more likely to turn into anytime between 6:30 -- 10:00.” (Kady Hofer)

“Your toddler thinks the training table is a changing table!” (Michelle Silva)

“Every time somebody asks how he’s liking his new job, you just say great, since you never get to talk to him because you’re asleep before he gets home almost every night!” (Calli Murrah)

“When a crisis strikes from July to December, you immediately call or text that ONE coach on staff (not your husband) that ALWAYS answers his phone or wears a smart watch!” (Misty Guillory)

“If your typically quiet husband turns into Chatty Cathy the minute a fellow coach calls (often after they’ve just left practice where they were TOGETHER for hours) even though he swears ‘It’ll only take five minutes.” (Emily Bagwell)

“If you are scheduled to be induced between two a days...and, you’re ok with it!” (Torri Jacobs)

“You know what HUDL is, how to log in and how to download the film, because coach is off scouting and the kids NEED the film uploaded now.” (Jennifer Crocker)

“You’ve lived in as many or more houses than years married...and the shortest term one was the one you owned.” (Meredith Lawson)

“Your coach is out until at least 2:00 am every Friday night, and you don’t question it.” (Sarah Cook)

“If you get a text at 9pm on a Thursday night that says, 'Hey babe can you wash my purple polo? I need it for tomorrow.'”  (Janelle Chamberlin)

“If you become instantly perplexed when a friend asks you to do something on Friday night because your brain literally can’t comprehend that there might be something else happening on Friday night.” (Krista Edwards)

“If your standard response to a family Thanksgiving invitation is, ‘If we’re not still playing, we will be there, but we won’t know until the week before.’” (Celia De Monte)

“When your husband makes it home for bedtime (1st time this week, mind you) and the kids yell, ‘Daddy!! You came back home!! You really came back!’” (Allison Patterson)

“You know that family is not just blood and marriage!" (Jennifer Keys)

“If 95% of your hoodies and t-shirts are his team logo and colors.” (Kathy Reynolds)

“If you think buying 15 cases of Gatorade is normal.” (Kim Parmer)

“Eating dinner after 8 o’clock is normal in your house.” (April Whalen)

“If the only family photos you take are after football games!” (Elisha Watkins)

“If you take side trips to see any college and/or professional arenas while on vacation.” (Christy Barnett)

“If you took your less-than-one-week-old baby to a football game…” (Maegan Reynolds)

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