Your Husband Has Been Fired. Where in the World is God?

Your Husband Has Been Fired. Where in the World is God?

Your husband has been fired and where in the world is God?

He was there three weeks ago when my girlfriend insisted that I meet her. She told me about the BIOY (Bible in One Year) app that I would need to cling to. Every single day there has been a nugget of truth I've been able to cling to. The day of the reassignment it read, "Relax and let God be God."

He was there when my husband was reassigned and one week later we closed on a house that we were way over our head in. The house had been on the market for 2 years!

He was there over the past two years that we have had a renter and not one thing has happened that needed a repair.

He was there when the inspection on the sale of our house didn't call for a single repair.

He was there when my office is off-site of the admin building even though I technically work there. He knew I wouldn't be able to handle that.

He was there when He put a coworker in my life who is a fellow coach's wife.

He was there when I finally let my husband have it because there were some things that just "needed to be said." I had pent them up because I never want to add more damage in the storm. Nonetheless, certain things have to be said when storms are raging.

He was there when on the day my husband's replacement was named, a job came open in the town I'd been praying we would move to.

He was there when my sister showed up with pie and brightened the whole weekend. Pie makes everything better!

The pain is there. The hurt is there. The uncertainty is there. The shock is there. The embarrassment is there. I would be a lying fool if I acted like it isn't.

But He is there too, just like he said he would be and just like he has always been. I just have to make sure I'm looking.

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you." Isaiah 43:2

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good." Genesis 50:20

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