Thank God for My Coaches' Wives Tribe

Thank God for My Coaches' Wives Tribe

We’ve seen a lot of crazy over the past 20 years, but by far the busiest seasons were the ones where the majority of our staff had littles. In the middle of different coaching opportunities, we had a few years with college friends. We were all close to the same life-stage and there was a new baby every six to twelve months for a good while. As you can imagine, this made for some hectic games. As the most high-strung Mama in the group I look back on these years and can honestly say I wouldn’t have gotten through those years without the other coaches’ wives. And the best part is, while I know I shed a fair amount of tears, I can only remember the best parts of those years. We traveled with those babies to almost every game and in between we attended Dairy Days and Apple Fest. We brought them to the football field to show off their Halloween costumes and we swapped clothes whenever possible. Our tribe was among the first to hold each other's babies too. Through the years my tribe has picked up emergency items from the grocery store, babysat my boys with short notice, and shifted car seats around to minimize the caravan to away games. But my tribes have also reminded me to breathe in the hard seasons and have prayed for me when I couldn’t find the words myself. My coaches’ wives tribe has expanded significantly over twenty seasons. And it doesn’t just include football wives. Basketball wives, volleyball wives, and soccer wives all make life sweeter. Cheering for our school teams together makes any game more manageable. Another wife is usually the one you can trust to not criticize your coaches and team which makes them the perfect buffer in the stands. Some of my current tribe includes an amazing group of women who gather online once a week to discuss a Bible study through the season. I asked them what their favorite things about their coaches’ wives tribes. Here’s some of what they said: “Moving is hard, and when you get to move with staff you aren’t the only new person in town.” “When a wife comes on staff who just gets it life is SO much easier! Coaches' wives who embrace a school’s tradition instead of questioning it are the best!” “Our tribe has often celebrated holidays together. With extended families far away we’ve made Thanksgiving with staff our family tradition.” “It’s hard to feel bad for yourself that your husband is gone again when you’re surrounded by amazing women who are so fun to be around!” Let’s not forget the honorary members of our tribes either! The AD’s wife, faculty spouse, or athletic secretary that knows exactly what you need to hear before the game, and exactly what you DON’T need to hear afterward. Oh, those ladies will always have a special place in my heart. So let’s give a shout out to our tribe: To the tribe who assumes you are looking for something to do during pre-season camp and text you with a game plan for girls night.  We love you! To the tribe who speaks up in the stands when you can’t.  Thank you!! To the tribe who doesn’t need a long explanation any time you start a story about football. Thank you for caring enough to listen! To the wives who don’t flinch when you need to add your littles to her crew while you desperately try to watch that intense series. To those who willingly cross generational lines to make your life a little easier than they had it. To the wife who gives you permission to dread the season this year and keeps your secret. Near or far, a coaches’ wives tribe is one of the most amazing parts of this crazy coaching life. I’m so thankful friendship is not defined by distance. This life has connected me with some of the most inspiring, talented, and thoughtful women in my circles of influence, and I know my life is better for knowing all of these amazing ladies. We love this coach’s wife life, and it’s so much sweeter because you are a part of our story. From the bottom of our hearts, we say, you will never know how special your friendships are to us!
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