Friday Night Wives Blog

Dear Coach's Wife: It's Good Too

Dear Coach's Wife: It's Good Too

Wherever you are, don’t forget the bigger picture. Don’t forget the beautiful things amid the ups and downs. Don’t forget the look on your son’s face when he gets to...

Dear Coach's Wife: It's Good Too

Wherever you are, don’t forget the bigger picture. Don’t forget the beautiful things amid the ups and downs. Don’t forget the look on your son’s face when he gets to...

Dear Kids, You Don't Know How Lucky You Are

Dear Kids, You Don't Know How Lucky You Are

Not every kid has a team full of older siblings who care about what happened in school today or who will listen to the plot line of your most recent...

Dear Kids, You Don't Know How Lucky You Are

Not every kid has a team full of older siblings who care about what happened in school today or who will listen to the plot line of your most recent...

Coaching Coach-Love Lessons

Coaching Coach-Love Lessons

If you are like me, you probably think your coach is brilliant! However, as smart as my favorite over-grown eighth-grader is at anticipating a worthy opponent, he usually fails miserably...

Coaching Coach-Love Lessons

If you are like me, you probably think your coach is brilliant! However, as smart as my favorite over-grown eighth-grader is at anticipating a worthy opponent, he usually fails miserably...

Coaches’ Wives: Don’t Settle on Just Surviving the Coaching Life

Coaches’ Wives: Don’t Settle on Just Surviving ...

“One of the most beautiful things about the way God designed marriage is that when we love our partners as Jesus modeled, we reflect Christ’s love and heart to each...

Coaches’ Wives: Don’t Settle on Just Surviving ...

“One of the most beautiful things about the way God designed marriage is that when we love our partners as Jesus modeled, we reflect Christ’s love and heart to each...

Dear Coach's Girl

Dear Coach's Girl

Dear Coach’s Girl, With your big brother, I’ve loved every minute of watching him emulate your father. I’ve gotten emotional thinking of all the ways he will teach your brother...

Dear Coach's Girl

Dear Coach’s Girl, With your big brother, I’ve loved every minute of watching him emulate your father. I’ve gotten emotional thinking of all the ways he will teach your brother...

Dear Coach's Wife, You Don't Know How Lucky You Are

Dear Coach's Wife, You Don't Know How Lucky You...

You and your kids get to be heavily involved in his job, his passion and his purpose. It’s not just coach who is setting the example for the next generation,...

Dear Coach's Wife, You Don't Know How Lucky You...

You and your kids get to be heavily involved in his job, his passion and his purpose. It’s not just coach who is setting the example for the next generation,...

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  • Friday Feature: Jordan Giddens

    Friday Feature: Jordan Giddens

    My husband is an OC/O-line coach. We have been together for 10 years and married for almost 7. We have worked in 6 different school systems during that time. Typing...

    Friday Feature: Jordan Giddens

    My husband is an OC/O-line coach. We have been together for 10 years and married for almost 7. We have worked in 6 different school systems during that time. Typing...

  • Friday Feature: Casey (KC) Sapien

    Friday Feature: Casey (KC) Sapien

    I am the daughter of a coach and coaches wife and now am married to a coach myself. We have been married for four years and have been in the...

    Friday Feature: Casey (KC) Sapien

    I am the daughter of a coach and coaches wife and now am married to a coach myself. We have been married for four years and have been in the...

  • Friday Feature: Kaley Wren

    Friday Feature: Kaley Wren

    My name is Kaley. I live in Little Rock, Arkansas. I’m married to a high school football coach, Tyler, aka “Coach Up”. We’ve been at Joe T Robinson for 12...

    Friday Feature: Kaley Wren

    My name is Kaley. I live in Little Rock, Arkansas. I’m married to a high school football coach, Tyler, aka “Coach Up”. We’ve been at Joe T Robinson for 12...

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